Thursday, December 10, 2015

Response to Yoko Ono

I found this performance art very interesting. Especially the last couple minutes where the man and the audience were laughing at how much he was cutting the fabric off her. I even giggled a little because he face showed signs of annoyance even though she was supposed to be emotionless. I felt bad after realizing there was nothing funny or amusing about it. It was actually very disturbing. It shows how often women are confronted with unwanted sexual behavior but brush it off. Also how instead of the audience making sounds of disgust they made sounds of amusement. The was the participants interacted with her also gave us a view of the kind of person they are. Some took their time unaware of being in front of a crowed and others rushed to get off the stage. I could relate to that with Carolina's happening project. I was so afraid to go up in front of everyone that I rushed and didn't think things through. This concept of undressing a person or adding to a person is really interesting to me.


I chose to put together my hair and my roommates, we each have such different styles and contrasting colors. I liked how mine is dark and curly and hers is straight and blonde. I like the idea in the text of how hair is always going back to its natural form. Both of us are constantly cutting and ironing our hair but at the end of the day its natural. Our hair expresses our mood for the day, its like what she wrote "loose ends on one's head signal loose ends in one's life."


For this chapter I chose to take a picture of a tattoo I have that I designed myself. I related to the part where she wrote "Those with tattooed faces, hands, and heads have chosen, in a way, to seal themselves off from normal society forever." I found that especially interesting because it's true. Though I don't have a tattoo on my head, face,or hands I want to get more visible tattoos not only because it's beautiful but because if I have a lot of visible ones I won't be approached as much. 

Body Happenings

For this project I wanted to use sent as my main focus. I based it off of a lingering scent that doesn't last long but we all experience in our everyday lives. I created this outfit using cloth, paint, and roses. I wanted to make my model look as natural as possible using roses as decoration. The scent I used was a strawberry rose perfume to match the theme of the design. I made the paint seem as if it was melting off the skirt to represent a scent coming off a body. Behind her are flowers showing the scent following her, not lasting but brief. I had my classmates line up and experience this scent. 

Body Happenings



Monday, November 30, 2015

Momento Project (Official)

For my momento piece I chose the earliest memory I had of moving. It was right after my 7th grade. I remember vividly the way my room looked, it was bare and the only things in it were boxes, a mattress, and a suitcase. This was one of the hardest but most eye opening moves I had. I chose three packaging materials to represent this memory, tape, bubble wrap, and cardboard. I wrapped the tape and bubble wrap around the box in a messy unorderly way to show the anxiety that comes with a move but also the excitement. But i also wanted to add some flower like shapes because although it was chaotic it also reminded me of the beauty of moving on. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Momento Project (updated)

For my momento piece I chose the earliest memory I had of moving. It was right after my 7th grade. I remember vividly the way my room looked, it was bare and the only things in it were boxes, a mattress, and a suitcase. This was one of the hardest but most eye opening moves I had. I chose three packaging materials to represent this memory, tape, bubble wrap, and cardboard. I wrapped the tape and bubble wrap around the box in a messy unorderly way to show the anxiety that comes with a move but also the excitement.